
Fairfax, VA


Oct 5, 2016

ICF, (NASDAQ:ICFI), 为全球政府和商业客户提供咨询和技术服务, 最近与中西部一家大型公用事业公司签订了一份新合同. 该合同价值约2300万美元,期限为三年.

ICF将提供能源效率实施服务和专有营销的有力结合, 分析和IT平台,以支持公用事业公司不断增长的住宅能效项目组合. This includes leveraging insights from ICF’s Strategic Intelligence Management System (SIMS) to allocate outreach resources and target messaging; streamlining the rebate application process with ICF’s proprietary mobile Power Rebate App; deploying ICF’s Home Energy Report, 哪个将被交付到225左右,000 customers on a quarterly basis; and employing other customized apps and tools across the portfolio to cost-effectively meet the utility’s kilowatt-hour and kilowatt goals.

“ICF的端到端客户参与方法为我们的客户提供了理想的解决方案,满足了客户对其多样化项目组合和客户群的定制和灵活管理需求,” said Michaela Martin, vice president for ICF. “我们的营销和激励处理专业人员与我们的能源效率专家携手合作,为客户的客户提供广泛的节能和省钱服务,以满足他们的特定需求。. 为特定的住宅细分市场提供定制的计划将确保所有公用事业的客户都有机会参与和节省.”

“Using ICF’s deep bench of subject experts, program tools and technology resources, 我们开发了定制解决方案,以满足公用事业公司不同服务领域的独特需求,” said Mike Mernick, senior vice president for ICF. “我们很高兴能与我们的客户发展合作关系,并期待着为其客户提供一套全新的新项目.”

For More Information

About ICF

ICF (NASDAQ:ICFI)是一家全球性的咨询服务公司,500 full- and part-time employees, but we are not your typical consultants. At ICF, 商业分析师和政策专家与数字战略家一起工作, data scientists and creatives. 我们将无与伦比的明升体育m88专业知识与尖端的参与能力相结合,帮助组织解决最复杂的挑战. Since 1969, 公共和私营部门客户与ICF合作,引领变革,塑造未来. Learn more at domestictunerz.com.


非历史事实且涉及已知和未知风险和不确定性的陈述是1995年《明升体育m88》中定义的“前瞻性陈述”. 这些陈述可能与我们目前对未来结果的预期有关, plans, 经营和前景,并涉及一定的风险, including those related to the government contracting industry generally; our particular business, 包括我们对美国合同的依赖.S. federal government agencies; our ability to acquire and successfully integrate businesses; and the effects of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and related federal, 州和地方政府对我们员工和客户健康的行动和反应, 我们和客户业务的连续性, our results of operations and our outlook. 这些因素和其他因素可能导致我们的实际结果与我们向美国证券交易委员会提交的证券文件中的“风险因素”部分所述的前瞻性陈述有所不同. 本协议中包含的前瞻性陈述仅在本协议生效之日作出, 我们明确声明不承担将来更新这些陈述的任何义务.

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